Mapendekezo yataonyeshwa baada ya kuandika kwenye sehemu ya utafutaji. Tumia mishale ya juu na chini ili kutathmini. Tumia ingia ili kuchagua. Ikiwa maneno yaliyochaguliwa ni kifungu cha maneno, kifungu hicho kitawasilishwa kwenye utafutaji. Ikiwa pendekezo hilo ni kiunganishi, kivinjari kitaelekeza kwenye ukurasa huo.

Usalama wa nyumba: ving'ora vya moshi na kaboni monoksidi

Smoke and carbon monoxide (CO) alarms can help save lives. That’s why we’re on a mission to get alarms into as many listings as possible. We strongly urge hosts to install smoke and carbon monoxide alarms in spaces that use fuel-burning appliances or have an attached garage, test them regularly and make sure their listing description is up to date.

Airbnb provides one self-contained, battery powered, combination smoke and carbon monoxide alarm to eligible hosts at no cost. Please check your local laws for applicable requirements for where to put alarms in your space.

If you already have smoke and CO alarms

Update information about safety devices such as smoke and carbon monoxide alarms on the listing page.

If your place only uses electric appliances and does not have an attached garage, you have the option to select that a carbon monoxide alarm is not necessary.

Be sure to check your local regulations, which may require that you have more than one working smoke and carbon monoxide alarm installed in your place.

Need more help?

Check out our article for more information or to request a smoke and carbon monoxide alarm for your stay. (Home Safety Terms and Conditions apply.)

To communicate with a global audience, Airbnb often uses the terms "alarm" and "detector" interchangeably.

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