Mapendekezo yataonyeshwa baada ya kuandika kwenye sehemu ya utafutaji. Tumia mishale ya juu na chini ili kutathmini. Tumia ingia ili kuchagua. Ikiwa maneno yaliyochaguliwa ni kifungu cha maneno, kifungu hicho kitawasilishwa kwenye utafutaji. Ikiwa pendekezo hilo ni kiunganishi, kivinjari kitaelekeza kwenye ukurasa huo.
Jinsi ya kufanya

Kubadilisha au kughairi nafasi iliyowekwa na mgeni wako ndani ya saa 24 baada ya kuingia au wakati wa ukaaji wake

Sometimes, unexpected events and emergencies pop up at the last minute. If you need to change or cancel a guest's reservation, you have options.

Reservations become active 24 hours before check-in. At that point, you might notice a reservation’s status switches to “Arrives tomorrow.”

Changing your guest’s reservation within 24 hours of check-in or during their stay

You can change an active reservation the same way you’d change an upcoming one: Just send your guest a trip change request.

Your guest will have to agree to any changes you request. It’s best to send them a message explaining why you’re asking for changes.

Canceling your guest’s reservation within 24 hours of check-in or during their stay

Canceling within 24 hours of check-in, or after a trip has started, is a special situation, however—you’ll need to contact us for help with that.

In either case, message your guest right away to let them know what’s going on.

What happens if you cancel an active reservation

Canceling a guest’s active reservation is a big deal. Fees or other consequences may be applied unless the cancellation reason meets certain limited exceptions. Try to avoid it if you can.

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Makala yanayohusiana

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