Mapendekezo yataonyeshwa baada ya kuandika kwenye sehemu ya utafutaji. Tumia mishale ya juu na chini ili kutathmini. Tumia ingia ili kuchagua. Ikiwa maneno yaliyochaguliwa ni kifungu cha maneno, kifungu hicho kitawasilishwa kwenye utafutaji. Ikiwa pendekezo hilo ni kiunganishi, kivinjari kitaelekeza kwenye ukurasa huo.

Masuala ya kisheria na kiudhibiti ambayo Wenyeji wanapaswa kuzingatia kabla ya kukaribisha wageni kwenye Airbnb

Understanding the laws in your city is crucial when considering becoming an Airbnb Host. These rules can be confusing, and our goal is to work with governments worldwide to make these rules easier to understand for everyone.

Zoning, administrative codes, or local laws can affect your ability to host in your location

In some cities hosting guests for short periods is limited by laws, or certain types of short-term bookings may be prohibited. These laws are often part of a city's zoning or administrative codes. In many cities, you must register, get a permit, or obtain a license before you can list your property or accept guests.

Local governments vary greatly in how they enforce these laws. Penalties may include fines or other enforcement.

Local taxes differ by jurisdiction

In some tax jurisdictions, Airbnb will take care of calculating, collecting, and remitting local occupancy tax on your behalf. The calculation of occupancy tax is different in every jurisdiction, and we're working quickly to extend this benefit to more hosts worldwide.

Review your local laws before listing your space on Airbnb

Finding your Responsible Hosting page can help you start learning what it takes to be a host in your region. And more information about your city's laws and regulations may be available on your local Responsible Hosting page in the Your City's Regulations section.

By accepting our Terms of Service and activating a listing, you certify that you will follow your local laws and regulations.

Je, makala hii ilikusaidia?

Makala yanayohusiana

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