Mapendekezo yataonyeshwa baada ya kuandika kwenye sehemu ya utafutaji. Tumia mishale ya juu na chini ili kutathmini. Tumia ingia ili kuchagua. Ikiwa maneno yaliyochaguliwa ni kifungu cha maneno, kifungu hicho kitawasilishwa kwenye utafutaji. Ikiwa pendekezo hilo ni kiunganishi, kivinjari kitaelekeza kwenye ukurasa huo.
Jinsi ya kufanya

Jinsi kipengele cha Kuweka Nafasi Papo Hapo kinavyofanya kazi

Instant Book is a convenient and fast way to allow guests to book your place without waiting for your approval. You can add some guest parameters, such as requiring positive reviews from other Hosts.

Pros of Instant Book

The benefits include:

  • Convenience: Book guests without having to respond to each request.
  • More guest interest: Guests can use filters to search for listings that can be booked instantly. Instant Book listings are more popular with guests since they’re able to more easily plan their trip.
  • Search placement: Instant Book positively affects your response rate for your listing, which can improve your listing’s placement in search results.
  • Superhost status: Instant Book can also help you reach Superhost status, which requires that you maintain a 90% response rate.

Washa au uzime kipengele cha Kuweka Nafasi Papo Hapo:

Dhibiti kipengele cha Kuweka Nafasi Papo Hapo kwenye kompyuta

  1. Bofya Matangazo kisha ubofye tangazo unalotaka kubadilisha
  2. Chini ya Kihariri tangazo, bofya Sehemu yako
  3. Bofya Kuweka Nafasi Papo Hapo, kisha uwashe au uzime kipengele cha Kuweka Nafasi Papo Hapo
  4. Ukiwasha kipengele cha Kuweka Nafasi Papo Hapo, chagua mahitaji ya mgeni wako
  5. Bofya Hifadhi

Bookings within 48 hours of check-in

Instant Book isn't available if a guest books within 2 days of check-in and needs to arrive at a time that's outside your check-in window. In this case, you’ll receive a Request to Book reservation and you can decide if the guest’s check-in time still works for you. If not, you don’t have to accept the reservation.

Additional info

When Instant Book is on, it applies to all available dates on your calendar. Guests who meet your requirements will be able to automatically book your place.

Check out the Resource Center and find out what other Hosts have to say about Instant Book or learn more about how to customize your Instant Book settings.

Je, makala hii ilikusaidia?

Makala yanayohusiana

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