Mambo ya kipekee ya kufanya huko Andalusia

Weka nafasi ya shughuli zisizoweza kusahaulika zilizoandaliwa na wakazi kwenye Airbnb.

Wakati matokeo yanapatikana, vinjari kwa kutumia vitufe vya vishale vya juu na chini au uchunguze kwa kugusa au kutelezesha kidole kwenye ishara.

Shughuli zilizopewa ukadiriaji wa juu

Tropical hike+paradise beach+snorkel
I will pick you up in Malaga city center with my van and we will go until the coastline near to Nerja. From there, we will start the hike until a secret beach that just few locals know. Walking throught hidden paths, we will discover tropical crops of avocados, bananas, papayas, sugar cain and custard apples. We will visit a vigil tower built in the XVI century and we will get in the Natural Park. Once in the Natural Park; we will discover the wild life of this unique area in the way to the paradisiacal beach. When arriving at the beach, we will go for a swim in the crystalline waters of the natural park and we will snorkel in order to explore the sea life. After enjoying in the sea; we will sit down on the white sand and we will relax having some fruit and water. WE WILL CROSS SOME IRREGULAR AND STEEP TERRAIN SO YOU SHOULD BE AGILE AND USE TO HIKE IN THE MOUNTAINS. IT IS NOT A HIKE FOR EVERY BODY. IF YOU WANT TO VISIT NERJA IN THE AFTERNOON I CAN DROP YOU OFF THERE (BUS TO MALAGA EACH 50 MINUTES (4,5€/pp). WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE PICKED UP AT YOUR ACCOMODATION? TEXT ME... I CAN PICK YOU UP AND CHARGE YOU A FAIR PRICE BASED ON HOW FAR YOU ARE FROM MALAGA CENTER. STAYING IN TORREMOLINOS, BENALMADENA, FUENGIROLA? LAST TRAIN STATION IN MALAGA ("ALAMEDA") IS THREE MIN WALKING TO THE MEETING POINT. IT IS NOT ALLOWED TO HAVE FOOD OR DRINK COFFE IN THE VAN.
Caminito del Rey con picnic
Nos encontraremos en el centro de Málaga y nos dirigiremos en la furgoneta hacia el embalse del Conde del Guadalhorce. Por el Camino cruzaremos el valle del río Guadalhorce, un valle singular de Málaga especializado en plantaciones de cítricos, naranjos y limoneros. Ascenderemos la sierra de Alcaparain y cruzaremos varios pueblos blancos. Desde el Pantano, empezaremos la ruta de senderismo de unos 8 kms cruzando un túnel excavado bajo la roca hasta la entrada del Caminito del Rey. Descubriremos la geología del Parque Natural, la flora y fauna del parque, su singular paisaje y historia y tradiciones locales. Pararemos en las zonas más expectaculares para admirar los desfiladeros y tomar fotos. Al final de la excursión tomaremos el autobús lanzadera del Parque Natural que nos llevará al punto inicial de la ruta. La ruta a pie es de 3 horas. No hay peligro ni grandes subidas, es un sendero muy fácil. SI VIENE EN TEMPORADA BAJA PUEDO OFRECER UN DESCUENTO. SI QUIERE SER RECOGIDO EN SU ALOJAMIENTO Y DEVUELTO PODEMOS ACORDAR UN PRECIO EN BASE A SU DISTANCIA AL CENTRO DE MÁLAGA. SI SE QUEDA EN TORREMOLINOS, BENALMADENA O FUENGIROLA, EL PUNTO DE ENCUENTRO ESTA A 3 MINUTOS ANDANDO DE LA ÚLTIMA ESTACIÓN DE TREN EN MÁLAGA (ALAMEDA). NO RECOMENDABLE SI TIENE MIEDO A LAS ALTURAS. NO PERMITIDO USAR SANDALIAS O CHANCLAS.
Canyoning Río Verde Jumps&Rappel&Fun
After a path of 45 mint, we will descend the green river where we will find natural pools and practice in a safe way slides, jumps, and refreshing rappels. Suitable for beginners who want to know this fun sports practice in one of the most beautiful and spectacular canyoning in Spain. *Ask me availability for other dates in the case that does not appear availability on the dates of your trip. Other things to note This experience is a sport activity recommended a good physical condition, people who like nature, and desire to spend an unforgettable day to start in this fantastic sport
Exclusive Alcázar tour - Tickets included
AN INTIMATE WAY TO DISCOVER THE GEM OF THE CITY! *TOP-RATED AIRBNB EXPERIENCE IN SEVILLE* This will be a much deeper and in a reduced group visit to the Alcazar than the usual, with a maximum of 10 guests we offer a real experience, more personalised, where questions are obviously welcome. We'll meet at the main monumental area of Sevilla. There we'll give you a historical introduction of the city and the site. After this first insight and getting to know each other we'll enter the Alcázar. Once inside we’ll give you explanations about the Justice Hall and the Palace of Plaster. You'll be fascinated from the decorations and stories that happened there. Then we'll see the House of Trade where you'll discover the importance of Seville during the discovery and conquest of the Americas. Our next stop will be at the Mudejar Palace, built by Peter I back in the 1300's. The mixure of the different Moorish styles with the Christian atmosphere made that every king wanted to leave his legacy in this structure. The last structure we'll visit will be the Gothic Palace, the first Christian building of the Alcazar built after the Christian conquest. Then we'll head to the gorgeous gardens to finish our 2 hour guided tour at Maria Padilla Baths. *This experience will take place rain or shine *Tickets are included in the price. Please provide full names and id or passport numbers
⭐The Original Seville Tapas Crawl⭐
I will take you to a 3 hours tapas experience to discover the most authentic tapas, bars and neighborhoods of Seville. In this evening walk you will discover the Seville that very few tourists have the chance to see and you will enjoy it like a local. 5 stops in total and a many things to discover. Old taverns, vibrant tapas and great local drinks, everything is included in the price and the fun is guaranteed. *Please be aware the menu is ordered in advance and this experience is not adapted for strict vegetarians/vegans and severe gluten allergy (cross-contamination). ** Please contact us to let us know about medical allergies at the time of the your reservation. If no allergies are declared at that time, we won't be able to adapt the menu.

Shughuli zote karibu na Andalusia

Hike an amazing Canyon and White Village
I'll pick you up in Málaga city center -see "meeting point"- and will transport you to the white village where starts the tour (IF YOU CAN TRANSPORT YOURSELF LET ME KNOW SO I CAN OFFER YOU A BETTER PRICE RATE). !DURING SUMMER IS JUST HOT DURING THE FIRST 2 KMS HIKE (1 hour) WITH SOME COOL SHADE AREAS! We'll start the route in the center of the picturesque whitehouse village, passing by an old arab canal and walking through a 4'5 kms path of beautiful landscapes and getting finally into the gorgeous Canyon where we'll do a little picnic, usually Next to the natural spring pools. Total lenght of the tour is 10 kms walking (hike is go and back + small walk in the village) On the way we can see wild goats if we are a bit lucky
Navegar en Velero, Avistamiento Delfines
Disfruta de la Costa del Sol navegando en un velero! Navega a vela cuando haya viento y siente como el viento mueve la embarcación sin mas ruido que el barco rompiendo las olas. Si no hay viento navegaremos a motor. Goza de unas vistas espectaculares de Marbella y su montaña desde el mar, en días despejados podrás ver África y Gibraltar! Sol, aguas cristalinas, brisa marina, un buen baño en alta mar cuando el tiempo lo permita, disfrutar de un paseo en tabla de paddle surf, disfrutar del sol en las colchonetas o simplemente relájate y vive una experiencia diferente mientras navegas en busca de delfines! Esta experiencia tiene una duración de 2 horas de Enero a Mayo y de Noviembre a Diciembre y de 3 horas de Junio a Octubre. Nuestro velero de 12 metros de eslora se encuentra en Puerto Banús. Si queréis hacer una celebración privada o grupo privado puedes preguntarme :) En Marbella se puede navegar durante todo el año, en invierno es aconsejable ponerse una chaqueta pero el tiempo suele ser bueno. Otros aspectos destacables Usa ropa adecuada para la temporada, así como zapatos deportivos y protector solar. Esta experiencia está sujeta a las condiciones meteorológicas y de navegación. en caso de cancelación por mal tiempo, recibiréis devolución del dinero
Descubre calas volcánicas en Kayak y snorkel en Cabo de Gata
Comenzaremos quedando en un punto estratégico para la salida en kayak, donde una vez os recibimos para ello, haremos el reparto del material que llevareis durante la experiencia. Iniciaremos la actividad con un curso de manejo del kayak y sus elementos de una forma muy breve. A continuación empezaremos la parte acuática. Nos subiremos en nuestro kayak y comenzaremos nuestro recorrido siempre guiados por nuestros guías que durante el recorrido nos irán enseñando los escondites, calas, acantilados, puntos de mayor interés de la ruta, donde nos irán interpretando la información de interés que nos encontremos durante el recorrido. Acantilados de lava volcánica, cenizas y domos nos rodearan y harán de una experiencia única. Durante el recorrido realizaremos una parada en una de las calas del recorrido donde podremos realizar un descanso y otra de las actividades estrella de la aventura...Snorkel!! Os facilitaremos el material para ello, y donde nuestro guía entrará al agua para enseñaros las especies subacuáticas que representan los fondos marinos del Parque Natural Cabo de Gata. Seguidamente comenzaremos nuestro retorno hacia el punto de inicio. Nuestra actividad irá en todo momentos supervisado por guías que os asistirán ante cualquier duda. Ademas disponemos de una embarcación tipo zodiac para darle una mayor seguridad a la actividad en caso de necesitarla.
Tropical hike+paradise beach+snorkel
I will pick you up in Malaga city center with my van and we will go until the coastline near to Nerja. From there, we will start the hike until a secret beach that just few locals know. Walking throught hidden paths, we will discover tropical crops of avocados, bananas, papayas, sugar cain and custard apples. We will visit a vigil tower built in the XVI century and we will get in the Natural Park. Once in the Natural Park; we will discover the wild life of this unique area in the way to the paradisiacal beach. When arriving at the beach, we will go for a swim in the crystalline waters of the natural park and we will snorkel in order to explore the sea life. After enjoying in the sea; we will sit down on the white sand and we will relax having some fruit and water. WE WILL CROSS SOME IRREGULAR AND STEEP TERRAIN SO YOU SHOULD BE AGILE AND USE TO HIKE IN THE MOUNTAINS. IT IS NOT A HIKE FOR EVERY BODY. IF YOU WANT TO VISIT NERJA IN THE AFTERNOON I CAN DROP YOU OFF THERE (BUS TO MALAGA EACH 50 MINUTES (4,5€/pp). WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE PICKED UP AT YOUR ACCOMODATION? TEXT ME... I CAN PICK YOU UP AND CHARGE YOU A FAIR PRICE BASED ON HOW FAR YOU ARE FROM MALAGA CENTER. STAYING IN TORREMOLINOS, BENALMADENA, FUENGIROLA? LAST TRAIN STATION IN MALAGA ("ALAMEDA") IS THREE MIN WALKING TO THE MEETING POINT. IT IS NOT ALLOWED TO HAVE FOOD OR DRINK COFFE IN THE VAN.
Caminito del Rey con picnic
Nos encontraremos en el centro de Málaga y nos dirigiremos en la furgoneta hacia el embalse del Conde del Guadalhorce. Por el Camino cruzaremos el valle del río Guadalhorce, un valle singular de Málaga especializado en plantaciones de cítricos, naranjos y limoneros. Ascenderemos la sierra de Alcaparain y cruzaremos varios pueblos blancos. Desde el Pantano, empezaremos la ruta de senderismo de unos 8 kms cruzando un túnel excavado bajo la roca hasta la entrada del Caminito del Rey. Descubriremos la geología del Parque Natural, la flora y fauna del parque, su singular paisaje y historia y tradiciones locales. Pararemos en las zonas más expectaculares para admirar los desfiladeros y tomar fotos. Al final de la excursión tomaremos el autobús lanzadera del Parque Natural que nos llevará al punto inicial de la ruta. La ruta a pie es de 3 horas. No hay peligro ni grandes subidas, es un sendero muy fácil. SI VIENE EN TEMPORADA BAJA PUEDO OFRECER UN DESCUENTO. SI QUIERE SER RECOGIDO EN SU ALOJAMIENTO Y DEVUELTO PODEMOS ACORDAR UN PRECIO EN BASE A SU DISTANCIA AL CENTRO DE MÁLAGA. SI SE QUEDA EN TORREMOLINOS, BENALMADENA O FUENGIROLA, EL PUNTO DE ENCUENTRO ESTA A 3 MINUTOS ANDANDO DE LA ÚLTIMA ESTACIÓN DE TREN EN MÁLAGA (ALAMEDA). NO RECOMENDABLE SI TIENE MIEDO A LAS ALTURAS. NO PERMITIDO USAR SANDALIAS O CHANCLAS.
Canyoning Río Verde Jumps&Rappel&Fun
After a path of 45 mint, we will descend the green river where we will find natural pools and practice in a safe way slides, jumps, and refreshing rappels. Suitable for beginners who want to know this fun sports practice in one of the most beautiful and spectacular canyoning in Spain. *Ask me availability for other dates in the case that does not appear availability on the dates of your trip. Other things to note This experience is a sport activity recommended a good physical condition, people who like nature, and desire to spend an unforgettable day to start in this fantastic sport
Seville -Flamenco Dance Class with optional flamenco Costume
UNDERSTANDING & ENJOYING FLAMENCO. Immerse yourself into the Flamenco Culture through a unique flamenco dance master class & party for complete beginners Enjoy by dancing flamenco close to its roots with my amazing team & me. Malena is my great substitute teacher. My name is Eva, more than 10 years of expertise teaching beginners. We love sharing flamenco with you We'll start from zero and you'll learn a brief introduction of Flamenco's origins, concepts and culture that will make you undestand Flamenco, Professional vs Local and the following flamenco shows . Then, we will brake everything into pieces going on basic body positions, professional footwork, flamenco rhythms, handclapping and basic arms-hands work. After feeling comfortable with them, you will be ready to learn and dance a fun flamenco routine in one flamenco style with local taste wearing a typical big red flamenco flower During the last part of the lesson, you can record the workout on your phone or take pictures to keep your flamenco memories forever. If you like Tik Tok or Insta Stories, let me know and let´s do it at the end of the lesson I´ll also be happy to chat with you and share my local tips to get the most out of your stay in this magical city Follow us on SM on I Show U Sevilla, learn flamenco with Eva & Team
Exclusive Alcázar tour - Tickets included
AN INTIMATE WAY TO DISCOVER THE GEM OF THE CITY! *TOP-RATED AIRBNB EXPERIENCE IN SEVILLE* This will be a much deeper and in a reduced group visit to the Alcazar than the usual, with a maximum of 10 guests we offer a real experience, more personalised, where questions are obviously welcome. We'll meet at the main monumental area of Sevilla. There we'll give you a historical introduction of the city and the site. After this first insight and getting to know each other we'll enter the Alcázar. Once inside we’ll give you explanations about the Justice Hall and the Palace of Plaster. You'll be fascinated from the decorations and stories that happened there. Then we'll see the House of Trade where you'll discover the importance of Seville during the discovery and conquest of the Americas. Our next stop will be at the Mudejar Palace, built by Peter I back in the 1300's. The mixure of the different Moorish styles with the Christian atmosphere made that every king wanted to leave his legacy in this structure. The last structure we'll visit will be the Gothic Palace, the first Christian building of the Alcazar built after the Christian conquest. Then we'll head to the gorgeous gardens to finish our 2 hour guided tour at Maria Padilla Baths. *This experience will take place rain or shine *Tickets are included in the price. Please provide full names and id or passport numbers
Ugly Delicious Food Tour
Do you really want to experience our local Spanish food? This is not just another classic "tapas tour". We are going above and beyond to show you the "not-so-pretty" side of Spain's delicious and traditional food! Let us guide you through the most exquisite bites of Sevilla & Andalucia cuisine accompanied by traditional beverages that you've never heard of before. Meeting point: at "Puente de Isabel II" (AKA Puente de Triana) in the churros kiosk "Los Especiales", old town side . Once we cross the river, we will begin our walk with the most trendy and traditional neighbourhood in town: Triana. We will talk about spanish gastronomy and the connection with Sevilla,because we are what we eat historically speaking too. Directly after, we will go to 2 different classic tapas bars where we will get "ugly" but delicious tapas and drinks! You will go on this walking tour accompanied by one of our local team members. You will understand more about Spanish food by the history of our products, people, wineries, processing and more. In the end, you will see how Spanish gastronomy is comprehensive, simple, and most of all, delicious. How is this different from other tapas tours? Well, that's easy! Culturally when people travel, they are not very fond of new "ugly-looking" food. However, from the very beginning, we will get you interested in it and leave loving it.
Photoshoot in Seville, memories for a lifetime
Join me for an unforgettable experience in one of the most picturesque spots in the city: Plaza España. I'll share fascinating stories about what makes it special and we'll create beautiful memories together. Seville is a city rich with history, and every corner has a story to tell. I wish I had done something like this during my first visit over 10 years ago! We'll make the most of the beautiful light to capture timeless memories with a professional photoshoot. You'll receive a couple of edited photos within 24 hours, and a full download of over 20 edited photos within four days after you select your favorites. You'll also get access to the rest of the unedited photos (excluding raw files). Our session will last one hour starting at the scheduled time, please note the importance of punctuality. If you want the time slot to be exclusively for you and your group, even if you’re traveling solo, please make sure to select the private booking option, otherwise the shoots are set for public groups of up to 4 people by default and others may join. I'm more than happy to help plan special moments such as surprise proposals, birthday and engagement celebrations. Just let me know, I can share ideas and we can plan it together! If you'd like to change the location or shooting time, send me a private message. Let's make your Seville adventure memorable!
Catas de Aceite
En nuestra experiencia podrás conocer todo lo que no sabes sobre uno de los reyes de la dieta mediterránea, el aceite de Oliva. Nosotros te explicaremos: cómo se produce, cómo se clasifica, cómo se cata y cómo se usa. Una experiencia completamente personalizada y diseñada para ti donde catarás desde aceites defectuosos hasta parte de los mejores aceites del mundo. Conocerás variedades, intensidades y maduraciones de los Vírgenes Extra. Otros aspectos destacables Se recomienda no fumar, no beber alcohol ni café una hora y media antes de la cata.
Top Wine Tour- Vineyard & cellar visit -Six top wines &tapas
It doesn't matter if this is your first tour or if you've done hundreds before. We’re going to make it special. We’ll take you off the tourist track to places no one else goes. We’ve worked hard to find places where you’ll feel like you’re discovering the most authentic part of our culture. We’ll visit a winery where the winemaker doesn’t speak English, and his only passion has been making better wine. We’ll taste exclusive wines from small, organic, and natural productions. We’ll try reds, whites, rosés, sparkling wines, new experiments, and very old wines. The winemaker will open his home and treat us like family. We’ll pair the wines with delicious tapas that could be a light meal. We’ll visit a beautiful vineyard worth visiting on its own. We’ll learn about the history and culture of wine and Málaga, and anecdotes that will make the group (no more than 8 people) "little wine experts" by the end. We guarantee that after this day, you’ll see wine differently and be the go-to wine expert at your next family gatherings! We’ll learn about organic cultivation, what tannins are, and grape varieties. We’ll also learn how grapes are turned into wine and how wine is aged in oak barrels. All this with great vibes and a glass of wine in hand. At least six glasses will be served in proper wine-serving proportions. Book now and let us create your best memory of your trip to Malaga
Malaga Wine and Tapas Tour
Learn how Málaga became one of Spain's top dining destinations with a guided tapas and wine tasting tour in the heart of the city. Set out on a stroll along beautifully illuminated streets, making stops to taste vibrant local wines paired with small bites that are bursting with flavor. After meeting your guide, get ready to experience the diversity of the local food and wine scene as you embark on a tour route that showcases the best cuisine in the area. The bars, taverns, and cafes that dot this city's streets are sure to make you feel welcome and excited to try the flavorful fare on offer. As you walk, discover the hidden treasures of Málaga that are beloved by the locals. Pop into a variety of eateries and enjoy 8 delicious tapas that reflect the city's gastronomic culture. Selections may include Iberian ham, cold cuts, cheese, and an iconic type of vermouth. Visit one of Spain's most charming taverns, founded in 1840, and try one of the region's premier wines. The route also takes you to a small, cozy bar that specializes in deli-style offerings, where you can listen as your guide enlightens you to the social aspect of tapas culture. Get off the beaten track and into some tucked-away locations for more tastings of both traditional and contemporary selections, all sure to be a memorable treat for your taste buds.
La mejor sesión de fotos en Málaga
Hi! I am Roxana Lewandowska, a professional photographer based in Malaga. Nice to meet you! :) We will meet each other in the heart of the city - Plaza de la Constitución. And after the short conversation (I want to know you better) I will invite you to a personal walk. And during the walk we will take the best photos ever! Don't worry if you don't have any experience in front of the camera - it's my job to make you feel comfortable and relaxed . I got a lot experience! I create natural photographs, full of all kinds of emotions - love, joy, excitement, nostalgia -of depending how we feel! Our walk is a fantastic way not only to discover Malaga with a local but also to create beautiful memories captured in photos. This is for single travelers, friends, families, couples and also people with animals are very welcomed! I speak Polish, Spanish, English and little bit Italian! 24 hours after the photo session I will deliver you all the unedited photos, you choose your favorite 15 ones and I will edit them and send you them in 6 days maximum :) * Beach photos are possible only in the morning. Let me know if you want them after making the booking to prepare everything better. Here you can see some of my works roxanalewandowska .com
⭐The Original Seville Tapas Crawl⭐
I will take you to a 3 hours tapas experience to discover the most authentic tapas, bars and neighborhoods of Seville. In this evening walk you will discover the Seville that very few tourists have the chance to see and you will enjoy it like a local. 5 stops in total and a many things to discover. Old taverns, vibrant tapas and great local drinks, everything is included in the price and the fun is guaranteed. *Please be aware the menu is ordered in advance and this experience is not adapted for strict vegetarians/vegans and severe gluten allergy (cross-contamination). ** Please contact us to let us know about medical allergies at the time of the your reservation. If no allergies are declared at that time, we won't be able to adapt the menu.
  1. Airbnb
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  3. Andalusia